Dossers’ Diary is Back!

We’ve been away for a while (haven’t we all?) but now we’re back and looking forward to getting out on the road again.

Summer’s coming and things do seem to be heading in the right direction here in the UK (fingers firmly crossed as I type) so we’re itching to get out and about again in SOK. As such, I have been “persuaded” to resurrect

what happened to the old

The last iteration of the blog ran from 2014 until early 2020. At that point, we’d used all the space in the plan we were on, and upgrading to the next plan would have meant a substantial increase in cost. I decided to archive all the old content and move the skeleton of the blog back to the free version of for the time being. At that time, the plan was to just use the free version to document 2020’s adventures whilst psyching myself up for a move to

2020. the year that never was…

SOK has barely turned a wheel since arriving back home from Spain in March 2020, part of the mass exodus of vans streaming north as Europe closed down around us. 

We did try to get away towards the end of the summer once things seemed to have calmed down sufficiently. We thought we’d head to the North East of England; the fish and chips from the Magpie in Whitby were calling us. The day before departure, we took SOK to our local petrol station to fill up with LPG – and he threw up an “Adblue system failure” message that cancelled our trip and left us waiting a few weeks for the necessary repair. By which point the weather and the rest were firmly heading in the wrong direction again. Ho hum….

All that’s behind us now, though. Time to get moving again!

2021 Plans

Plans? Haven’t plans been officially abolished?

Our next trips are going to be in the UK, for obvious reasons. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. We’ve got plenty still to discover.

We do seem to have developed an unhealthy obsession with European supermarket chains though. Questions like “what would you buy if you could go to Mercadona?” and “if you could take a trip to either Auchan or ICA, which would you choose?” are regular conversation-starters around here these days. So I’m sure we’ll be rushing to Dover just as soon as it makes sense to do so. That’s one thing the last year has done for us – we’ll be as thoroughly excited next time we drive down the M20 as we were on our first van trip to France back in 2012.

the new

So….. I’ve finally bitten the bullet and moved us from to So far so good but I can’t guarantee that there won’t be glitches along the way. I’m relying on idiots’ guides on the internet to guide me through. Please do bear with me if it all goes to pot at some point!

I think that’s all for now. Time to go pack another box of stuff to take out to the van 😎


Featured Image: Grande Dune du Pilat near Arcachon, France. October 2012

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